Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Love is an action verb...

Here are a few ways to Love:

Speak the Truth in Love
Help (but do not enable)
Encourage (but do not flatter)
Prayers of Blessing and Intercession
Appreciate :)
Be Real
Be Kind
Be Tender

Friday, July 6, 2018


You are crazy to want to go to war, so you are dismissed for being crazy... because you do not want to go to war, which makes you sane and therefore fit for the duty of war.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Be a smart consumer.

Corporations sell more product when they keep customers satiated in states of confusion. It's called gaslighting... It's not the greatest marketing strategy and should definitely be illegal. Corporations will be held accountable for their commercials. Verbal Abuse Laws in Advertising... and Media Many Man Man Manipulation to the Nth degree.

Call the FCC!

Threats and Violence disguised as joking. #nolaughtracks #nojoke
Withholding, countering, discounting, blocking, diverting, criticizing, trivializing, undermining,
Name Calling in Advertising
Sexism is um Stereotyping
Fear Mongering / Guilt Trip Trip Trip Trip ping pong ping pong ping
False Advertising (withholding or without holding) / Bait and Switch which one is
Volume Adjusting (one decibel too high = the pain in my ear)
FU Inflation -
Pushing Plastic-ware Product Pollution (dilution is the solution to pollution)
then Irresponsibly Polluting (shifts blame to end consumer sporks)
Side-effects are you trying to make us hypochondriacs??? (treating all the symptoms but never actually curing anything / spending most of the commercial time rattling off all the side-effects)

I'll wash my brain myself... thank you very much

False Consensus Advertising - (definition should read) when a corporation controls the numbers people see and creates a false "consensus" or "non-consensus" to demote, demolish, steal, pervert real data for the promotion of propaganda, product, party, or sales.

Call the BBB!

Consumers need real data to make everyday decisions. Violence (including verbal violence) are the only things that should be illegal the rest is common sense. Hey, that product over there hurts people... then nobody in their right mind would buy it!  Also, the interception deception is making some of your products look bad. And them there are fighting words... 

Carbon Fiber Baby Car Seats


The Boycott List

Bleach (can we not find something better??? vinegar detergent / Hydrogen Peroxide disinfectant)
Chlorinated Swimming Pools (use salt water instead)
Daylight savings time
Aluminum (tin foil hat foiled / yes, I was about to make one)
Alcohol is a tink tink tink tincture (you've been in mama's medicine bag... sweet baby of mine) 
Gatorade, Power-aid, Vitamin WTF Water
Yeast Yeah Ya Ya Yeet Yeet Yeet Yeast Infections (all of them)
Polyester Underwear
Polyester Anything
Underwire Bras
What are bra hooks made of??? Steel... doubt it. Synthetic thermoplastic polymer encased aluminum   
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Corn Starch
Cat Botoxic Boxes
Corn is low grade animal feed my friends plus a bio diesel. (and shadows are made of peanut butter)
Round UP
Cellulose (paper fillers in food and nondairy creamers)
Petri Dishes of death
Animal Testing 
the Easter Bunny
Standardized Testing
Santa Clause
Hallo ween you off it...

Who has time for these falseries? 

If you can't eat it or pronounce it I wouldn't be putting it on the skin. Or you'll get the hose again... 

We've been selling surplus for so long... we now manufacture it and call it a day.

Vote with your money. Boycott evil. 

Also, I encourage you to throw away all media that is no longer serving you into the #File13.

Have a Happy Valloween!

Only you can stop stereotypes!


P.S. Not all women like cats, high heels, nail-polish and make-up in that order. So you should probably start building a better algorithm. I'm allergic to this one. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Unplug the Reprogramming

Tonight's programming...

To program; or not to program? That is the question... (and here is some Hamlet)

Does History stop us from repeating the past or does it train us to repeat it unknowingly giving the go ahead acceptance nod of normalcy?

After careful consideration...

It Tis nobler to suck it up and shut the fuck up, my friends... 

Because somewhere somebody out there will show up late on a Tuesday Tuesday lab instead of the Tuesday Thursday lecture and they will take it out of context and then they will run wild with it all the while all their friends will willing start an out of context club creatively concealing the cognitive dissonance that has yet to be discovered and accidentally infect the overdosed minds of strangers too close to the theater set just passing by to watch the paint thinner dry and preview the scene in which two somebodies have already mistaken the what for the why. 

It's all about the presentation... preferably books or the short article type in form. Nice, neat, and organized so that nothing can be misconstrued from this is how it went down... See it go down the hill towards hell? Yea... we don't want that back Jack, Chill Jill. 

Can Algorithms predict the future? No! (pick up your feet this time Jackie and Juliet watch your step)

The Good News: The Computer needs us humans! Imagine that! Needs us like we need JESUS. This is why Jesus spoke in parables so even the computer would understand.

Use Positive Reinforcements (way to not fall Jack A Be Positive)

Allow for Natural Consequences (Remember that rock Jill?)

Exploitation or an Exhortation in Presentation? All hallways always haul ways toward Exhortation.


Make a nano memory.

Because somewhere somebody out there is gunna be getting the late night nanosecond programming.

Therefore... Always forward never straight. Be a good soldier.

"Discretion is the better part of valor." - Britney Shakespeares

or if you prefer,

"The better part of valor, is discretion." - by William Shakespeare was a probably woman.

Never the less...

"the finest souls are those who have gulped pain in order to avoid making others taste it"

Honorary Honorable Honor Roll!

And... there goes Jack

Jill, do be careful not to fall, as you help Jack back up once again.     

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Women's Corps.

Business Plan

Mission Statement:

To protect the rights and personal liberties of Women and their Children1. To provide a safe working environment for Women and affordable on-site child care for their Children. To provide Comprehensive Health Insurance at an affordable price for Women and their Children. A birthing center that provides a safe environment for pregnant Women until they are ready for childbirth. One year full-time paid maternity leave. Programs for these Children ensure education in English, Science, Math and Herstory. Grades 0 - 12 years boys and girls. 

And a girls only competitive high school and boarding college. 

"It's not socialism if it's a corporation. #WomansCorps. 


To Build Products for Women designed by Women. 

1 DNA Proof required. 



Women Doctors for Women, Men Doctors for Men

The birthright of women is to give birth.
Her body. Her life. Her choice.
Women first.
Dr. Mom...
You're hired!

MoM knows best for baby, body, and family!



Men and Women have entirely different internal medicine.


If I were President...

1. I would put Nitrous Oxide in your air and not Fluoride in your water.

All productivity causes waste. When we transfer the waste into clean energy. We win.

Magnets and Math
Tidal Energy  (Moon Energy)
Biodegrading Insects
The War on Insects
Bacterial Technology
Fungus Among Us

2. Three day weekends... Monday's optional. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Yin Yang Stereotypes

Yin Yang philosophy is absolutely toxic. It's bipolar, bipartisan-nonpartisan, borderline brain-washing verbal abuse to categorize human females with every negative and dark adjective you can think of. Not only is it an insult to the complexity of the human design. It's absolutely childish. Where is the balance? What is balance? Freedom of speech. Equal Rights. Equal Pay. Freedom from exploitation. Due process. If this philosophy was so concerended with balance it wouldn't have murdered 500 million of women. Remove male and female off the yin yang. Put it in 1st grade where it belongs. To teach chdren that the absence of light is dark. The opposite of night is day. But the sun and the moon have no correlation. They are not competing. They are their own bodies, their own beings. They do not belong on your bipolar philosophy chart. Nor does any woman or man. Balance. If you wanted to control the world population you should have supplied and educated your women in birth control. Women are life. So why are they on the yin side with death? Credits and Debits. Yin Yang Time. Times UP. Yin Yang philosophy is  illlogical and borderline systemic verbal abuse towards all women. Remember... Only you can stop stereotypes.