Yin Yang philosophy is absolutely toxic. It's bipolar, bipartisan-nonpartisan, borderline brain-washing verbal abuse to categorize human females with every negative and dark adjective you can think of. Not only is it an insult to the complexity of the human design. It's absolutely childish. Where is the balance? What is balance? Freedom of speech. Equal Rights. Equal Pay. Freedom from exploitation. Due process. If this philosophy was so concerended with balance it wouldn't have murdered 500 million of women. Remove male and female off the yin yang. Put it in 1st grade where it belongs. To teach chdren that the absence of light is dark. The opposite of night is day. But the sun and the moon have no correlation. They are not competing. They are their own bodies, their own beings. They do not belong on your bipolar philosophy chart. Nor does any woman or man. Balance. If you wanted to control the world population you should have supplied and educated your women in birth control. Women are life. So why are they on the yin side with death? Credits and Debits. Yin Yang Time. Times UP. Yin Yang philosophy is illlogical and borderline systemic verbal abuse towards all women. Remember... Only you can stop stereotypes.
Yin / Yang is balance. Life is about balance.