Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Unplug the Reprogramming

Tonight's programming...

To program; or not to program? That is the question... (and here is some Hamlet)

Does History stop us from repeating the past or does it train us to repeat it unknowingly giving the go ahead acceptance nod of normalcy?

After careful consideration...

It Tis nobler to suck it up and shut the fuck up, my friends... 

Because somewhere somebody out there will show up late on a Tuesday Tuesday lab instead of the Tuesday Thursday lecture and they will take it out of context and then they will run wild with it all the while all their friends will willing start an out of context club creatively concealing the cognitive dissonance that has yet to be discovered and accidentally infect the overdosed minds of strangers too close to the theater set just passing by to watch the paint thinner dry and preview the scene in which two somebodies have already mistaken the what for the why. 

It's all about the presentation... preferably books or the short article type in form. Nice, neat, and organized so that nothing can be misconstrued from this is how it went down... See it go down the hill towards hell? Yea... we don't want that back Jack, Chill Jill. 

Can Algorithms predict the future? No! (pick up your feet this time Jackie and Juliet watch your step)

The Good News: The Computer needs us humans! Imagine that! Needs us like we need JESUS. This is why Jesus spoke in parables so even the computer would understand.

Use Positive Reinforcements (way to not fall Jack A Be Positive)

Allow for Natural Consequences (Remember that rock Jill?)

Exploitation or an Exhortation in Presentation? All hallways always haul ways toward Exhortation.


Make a nano memory.

Because somewhere somebody out there is gunna be getting the late night nanosecond programming.

Therefore... Always forward never straight. Be a good soldier.

"Discretion is the better part of valor." - Britney Shakespeares

or if you prefer,

"The better part of valor, is discretion." - by William Shakespeare was a probably woman.

Never the less...

"the finest souls are those who have gulped pain in order to avoid making others taste it"

Honorary Honorable Honor Roll!

And... there goes Jack

Jill, do be careful not to fall, as you help Jack back up once again.     

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